Acceptance of any donation to the Waxahachie City Cemetery Restoration fundraiser of April 3, 2022, held by Historic Waxahachie, Inc. (HWI) is at the discretion of HWI in coordination with the City of Waxahachie. HWI will not accept any contribution to the cemetery restoration fund unless it can be used in the restoration of cemetery property and headstones as directed by the City of Waxahachie.
No irrevocable gift, whether outright or life-income in character, will be accepted if under any reasonable set of circumstances the gift would jeopardize the donor’s financial security.
HWI will not provide any advice about the tax or other treatment of donations and will encourage donors to seek guidance from their own professional advisers to assist them in the process of making their donation.
HWI will accept donations to this fund in the form of cash, check and credit cards via the PayPal payment system.
HWI will provide acknowledgments to donors meeting tax requirements for donations received by the charity as a gift.
HWI will restrict information about the donor to only those staff members with a need to know. Any personal information received by HWI will be used solely for receiving, accepting and acknowledging the donation. Personal information will not be shared or sold to other organizations. For payments made with a credit card or PayPal account, account number information is not available to HWI. In the case of PayPal, such information is entered on a secure PayPal webpage and is not part of HWI’s website,
HWI will match all donations made through HWI to the Waxahachie City Cemetery Restoration fund 100% and will absorb any credit payment processing fees imposed by PayPal or Square up to an aggregate of $10,000. This matching campaign will end as of midnight, April 10, 2022. At that time all donations given to the Fund via the HWI fund raising campaign will be turned over to the City of Waxahachie for its sole use of correcting damage caused by recent vandalism. No donations received or postmarked after April 10, 2022 will be accepted by HWI. Those wishing to donate after April 10, 2022 should do so directly with the City of Waxahachie.