Two very early Waxahachie structures, the Wyatt Office built circa 1865-70, and the Calaboose built in 1888, are now relocated to Singleton Plaza. Destined to be torn down, HWI mounted an effort to save these 2 worthy buildings. The Wyatt had to be moved twice to save it.
- The Wyatt family donated the building of the same name to HWI.
- Citizens National Bank graciously agreed to give HWI a long-term lease for the property where the buildings now stand.
- Restoration efforts have been an ongoing project of HWI
- HWI scheduled several community workdays and then contracted professional help in the restorations. They are open for inside tours on special occasions.
- Waxahachie ISD Building Trades instructor Mikel Craig arranged for more than 20 WISD students to do some brickwork on the project.
The Calaboose was built as a local lockup for minor crimes under the jurisdiction of the City of Waxahachie. This Calaboose is at least the third one built in Waxahachie. It was built for $850.00 in 1888. The interior still reflects the very unusual and strong construction and the fire damage from an apparent attempt to escape. By 1904 the building was vacant and later it was used as a warehouse. It was originally on North Jackson Street. Please read the full historic marker in front of this little “jail”. on North College Street.
Wyatt Office
The Wyatt Office may be the oldest commercial building still standing in Waxahachie. It was originally at the southeast corner of West Main Street and Jackson Street, and then was moved to the center of that block when a new modern filling station was constructed. HWI saved the building from demolition and had to move it twice before it settled in its new location. The history of this office is being compiled and will be posted here and on an historic marker at the building on North College Street when that is completed.