HWI Update for Members

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Dear HWI Members,

The Board of Historic Waxahachie, Inc. (HWI) wants you to know that we value you as members of our organization and our community.

During this difficult time, we want to acknowledge and recognize that you and your family’s health and safety are our primary concern.  The citizens of Waxahachie are among the best.  We see neighbors helping each other, taking care of each other, and treating each other with kindness, compassion and respect.  We are thankful for those local leaders, all of our first responders, and the medical community who listen and follow health professional’s advice and have to make many difficult decisions.

While on a much smaller (and less important) scale, HWI will also be making difficult decisions in the months to come.

As with many other non-profit organizations, HWI is being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  HWI is following Local and State guidelines.  We will not have any board meetings until the situation is resolved.  Many of our board members have children, elderly parents and loved ones to care for which is causing additional stress and anxiety.  We feel that their families and situations come first.  Any immediate and urgent matters will be handled via email or phone call on a case by case basis.

Another cascading effect of this pandemic will be that the Arts Council funding for our organization will be severely reduced as there will be no tourism in Waxahachie for the near future.  HWI relies very heavily on Arts Council funding which comes from local hotel/motel tax.  The HWI Board must be good stewards of HWI finances.  We will be making difficult decisions since we know that we will have much less income this year.  Some programs and projects that we have funded in the past may no longer be funded in the future.

As you continue to spend your time indoors and if you would like to stay connected to history, this link provides some history activities that you may find of interest:


Remember also that our website has many online oral histories and other information that you may find interesting to read as well. You may also follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Please see the links below:


Instagram: @HistoricWaxahachie

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historicwaxahachieinc/

Waxahachie has always been a wonderful community that helps each other.  We are in this together.  We will get through this together.  Any of ou board members will be happy to talk with you and help you the best that we can.  We ask for your patience and understanding.  Please stay safe and healthy and we look forward to seeing you all soon.


The HWI Board